[aadl-modeling]: error propagation

Luciana Burgareli luciana.burgareli at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 06:14:22 EST 2017


We have been studying EMV2. We have compared the FG system examples[1,2].
Why have lines 10 and 11 of the example 1 been deleted?

Example 1

1.     *system *FG

*2.     **features*

3.     InPort : *in data port *;

4.     OutPort : *out data port *;

5.     *annex *emv2 {∗∗

6.     *use types *ErrorModelLibrary ;

7.     *use behavior *ErrorModelLibrary : : Simple ;

*8.     **error propagations*

9.     OutPort : *out propagation *{NoValue};

*10.  **flows*

11.  FGFail : *error source *outport{NoValue};

12.  *end propagations *;

*13.  **component error behavior*

*14.  **propagations*

15.  Failed−[]−>Outport (NoValue ) ;

16.  *end component *;

17.  ∗∗};

18.    *end *FG;

Example 2

1.  *system *FG

*2.     **features*

3.  InPort: *in data port*;

4.  OutPort: *out data port*;

5.  *annex *emv2 {**

*6.     **use types *ErrorModelLibrary*;*

*7.     **use behavior *ErrorModelLibrary*::*Simple*;*

*8.     **error propagations*

*9.     *OutPort*: out propagation {*NoValue*};*

*10.   **end propagations;*

*11.   **component error behavior*

*12.   **propagations*

*13.   *Failed*-[]->*OutPort*{*NoValue*};*

*14.   **end component;*

15. **};

16. *end *FG;

[1] Delange, J.,  Feiler, P.;  Architecture Fault Modeling with the AADL
Error-Model Annex, 2014

[2] Feiler, P.; Hudak, J.; Delange, J.;  Gluch, P.;  Architecture Fault
Modeling and Analysis with the Error Model Annex, Version 2, 2016

Best regards,

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