[aadl-modeling]: end-to-end flow

Nour Hilal nour.hilal at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 18 08:17:27 EST 2018

Hi all, 
I hope this email reach you well, 

I am designing a system that is based on communication where the data comes and goes through wireless internet and Vanet communication devices. The system does not have any parts where it generates data like built-in sensors, it receive its data through communication modems and process the data then sends information to another party. 

If I want to make an end-to-end flow to measure latency of the system from the time it receive the data until it sends the response, do I just assume the communication devices as a flow source and flow sink where they are the source of the incoming data and they are also the destination of the outgoing data according to my system architecture. 

i.e is it right as AADL practice to assign the comm. devices as flow source and flow sink to be able to measure the overall latency?

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