[netsa-tools-discuss] Record retention in SiLK

mworld mworld at twbc.net
Tue Sep 1 11:49:43 EDT 2015

On 1/09/2015 9:18 PM, Hosam Hittini wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to check if SiLK can delete the oldest records from its 
> repository when the disk space reaches 90% for example
> Or if there’s a way to retain records only for the last two weeks for 
> example
> We have SiLK v3.8.0 installed
> Thanks in advance
> Regards,
> Hosam Hittini
> System Security Maintenance & Support
> Etisalat
Hi Hosam. As far as I know there is no built in options for this (like 
good old flow tools). One way would be to use the find command (on *nix) 
to search for files older then /n/ days.


# Remove files older than 60 days.

find /mnt/storage/silk/ -type f -mtime +60 -exec rm {} \;

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