[aadl]: ADeS, the AADL simulator, is now hosted by Topcased

Jean-Francois Tilman Jean-Francois.Tilman at axlog.fr
Wed Dec 12 03:14:21 EST 2007

     Dear all,

   ADeS, the AADL simulator developed by Axlog, is now hosted by the 
Gforge source of Topcased.
   ADeS aims at simulating the behavior of an architecture described 
with AADL. Its current status is still a prototype.
   ADeS is open-source (Eclipse public licence). You can freely download 
its sources and contribute to its development.


   Best regards.

     Jean-François Tilman

Jean-François Tilman         Jean-Francois.Tilman at axlog.fr
   Axlog ingénierie           Jean-Francois.Tilman at laposte.net

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