[aadl]: Ocarina 1.1 released

Jérôme Hugues hugues at infres.enst.fr
Mon Oct 8 10:55:25 EDT 2007

The Ocarina team is proud to announce the release of Ocarina 1.1
(available at http://aadl.enst.fr)

Ocarina is a set of libraries to manipulate AADL models. Ocarina is
compliant with AADL 1.0, and some extensions from AADL 2.0.

Ocarina is available as both source and binary packages for Windows,
Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X.

For downloading Ocarina, go to http://aadl.enst.fr/ocarina

For downloading Ocarina + PolyORB-HI AADL runtime, go to

Ocarina proposes

* AADL parser and pretty printer

* Code generation features for generating distributed applications on  
top of
   the PolyORB schizophrenic middleware

* Code generation features for generating High-Integrty distributed
   applications on top of the PolyORB-HI AADL middleware

Ocarina comes with a set of examples to demonstrate these different  
For discussing Ocarina features, you can use the ocarina-users  
mailing list.

Ocarina is primarily developed by Bechir Zalila, Jerome Hugues and
Laurent Pautet at ENST (http://www.enst.fr).

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