[aadl]: TASTE tutorial: virtual machine + instructions document

julien.delange at esa.int julien.delange at esa.int
Tue Jan 3 09:20:21 EST 2012

Dear all,

First of all, I wish you all the best for the new year to come with many 
projects related to AADL !

Then, during the next AADL meeting, a tutorial will be dedicated to TASTE. 
For that, we use a virtual machine executed within VirtualBox (available 
as a free and open-source software at http://www.virtualbox.org). The 
virtual machine is available here : 
http://download.tuxfamily.org/taste/aadl-tutorial-vm.tgz . I updated the 
previous virtual machine with the latest TASTE toolset so if you download 
the previous version, please get the new one.

In addition, in order to prevent any problem during the tutorial due to 
special configuration/system, I recommend to install and try VirtualBox on 
your laptop as soon as possible and send me any issue you encounter. So, 
we could fix any issue prior the tutorial and focus only on AADL- and 
TASTE- related aspects. Also, it would be particularly useful if you can 
try the TASTE virtual machine itself prior the tutorial. To do so, I made 
an instructions document that indicates how to import the virtual machine 
within VirtualBox and test the TASTE toolchain. Please find it as an 
enclosed file with this mail and send my any comment and/or problems you 
get when trying to use it.

I hope you will join the AADL meeting and be part of the tutorial.

Best regards,

Note: Tutorial instructions are also available at 

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