[aadl]: Availability of OSATE testing release

Julien Delange jdelange at sei.cmu.edu
Tue Jan 22 13:34:41 EST 2013

Dear AADL users,

We set up a built environment to release the new release of OSATE and we will provide two versions:

-          A stable version with a fixed list of features that have been tested. It will be available on a couple of weeks from now

-          A testing version that is rebuilt every day and contains the most up-to-date features and includes all recent fixes. However, as it will be under development, you may experience some errors

This new release will support AADLv2 and would fix many bugs reported during the last weeks. Also, it would include new features such as LUTE (the constraint language), the Instance Model Viewer (IMV) or the ARINC653 validation functions. Also, the code has been updated to the latest version of the environment (XText 2.3, etc.) and has better documentation.
For now, we set up the environment and the testing version is being built every day to let you test it and provide us some feedback. You can install OSATE as part of an Eclipse plug-in or just use our standalone installation (complete Eclipse release with all required plugins available at http://www.aadl.info/aadl/osate/2.0/testing/products/ ). Installation for installing both versions are available on the AADL wiki https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/aadl/index.php/Getting_Osate_2_binaries
Having this first testing version would let you try OSATE and give us feedback. Do not hesitate to send us your suggestion about this new release and fill bug reports. The bug tracking system can be found on github on https://github.com/osate/osate2-core/issues
Also, you can find information for submitting bug reports: https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/aadl/index.php/Reporting_a_bug

We hope you will like this new release and are looking forward to hear your feedback,

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