[aadl]: LUTE/REAL - referencing annex elements

Julien Delange jdelange at sei.cmu.edu
Thu Nov 7 17:06:42 EST 2013

Dear all,

We are currently investigating the use of LUTE (or REAL/any other constraint language) to check the consistency of the core AADL language with its annex.  This would need to introduce the capability to reference the core AADL model and its additions (annexes). One application of such feature would provide the ability to check core components/properties (ex: the queue size of an event [data] port) according to its behavior description (the behavior state machine).

As many of us are currently working on a constraint language, it would be interesting to know if someone has already investigated this idea and have some thoughts/ideas about the syntax, the reference between the two languages and the implementation of the verification engine.

Thanks for any idea/suggestion,

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