[aadl]: Example for output ports of subcomponents discussion

Denis Buzdalov buzdalov at ispras.ru
Wed Oct 1 05:52:28 EDT 2014

Here's an example of a situation discussed yesterday after the 
discussion of internal events.

Consider we have an explicit internal event source like a subcomponent 
with an output port.
Consider also that we are defining the behaviour of a component with a 
subcomponent using behavior annex.
I've attached a simple example of that.

The problem is how to read data from the subcomponent's output port 
since it's not connected to any input port.

As I understood Peter, he proposes to use output ports of subcomponents 
as the container input implicitly (without defining any input ports of a 
conainer). My point is that this proposition leads to using of output 
ports as input ones (i.e. using inpit ports' operators with output 
ports) which sounds very bad. An attached example contain comments for 

If you are agree with that using of input port's operators with output 
port in not a thing that should be allowed, an issue of explicit 
internal input ports representation raises.

Denis Buzdalov
Software Engineering Department, ISPRAS
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