[aadl]: Call for update - wiki

Julien Delange jdelange at sei.cmu.edu
Wed Apr 8 06:14:26 EDT 2015

Dear all,

We are currently updating the AADL website. As you probably know, the actual website is slightly outdated and we would like to take advantage of the wiki to have more up to date information. The new website would rather be a placeholders for links to the wiki (http://aadl.info/wiki) On the other hand, it means that the information on the wiki also needs to be updated. For that reason, we invite all AAD L users and contributors to update (or start to use) the wiki with the most up to date information especially regarding the list of publications, presentations or tools.

This would then make sure your information has exposure on the wiki and can be referenced.

Please let us know if you have any question,


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