[aadl]: Capturing processor tick value

stevevestal at comcast.net stevevestal at comcast.net
Thu Apr 9 21:36:44 EDT 2015

What is the difference between processor tick and the standard Clock_Period property? 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Julien Delange" <jdelange at sei.cmu.edu> 
To: "AADL Modeling (aadl-modeling at lists.sei.cmu.edu)" <aadl-modeling at lists.sei.cmu.edu>, sae-aadl-users at lists.sei.cmu.edu 
Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2015 7:51:00 PM 
Subject: [aadl]: Capturing processor tick value 

Dear all, 

I am looking at using a property to represent the tick value associated with a processor. So far, I do not see any standard property that could be used for it. I was wondering if anybody has any suggestion on a standard property to use and/or if otherwise, introducing a property such as below would be appropriate. I think users from the scheduling community may have some thoughts about that. 

Thanks for any comment. 


Tick : Time applies to (processor); 

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