[aadl]: ACVI16 workshop collocated with WICSA/Comparch

Julien Delange jdelange at sei.cmu.edu
Wed Dec 16 10:39:56 EST 2015

Dear all,

The 3rd ACVI workshop will be collocated with the WICSA/Comparch conference and will take place in early April. This is a unique opportunity to connect with the research community: WICSA/Comparch is a very high quality venue and host workshops on similar topics. We encourage you to submit a paper and attend the conference and its related events.

You can find more information about the conference on the website: http://acvi-workshop.org/acvi2016

Please share this information with your colleagues.

Hope to see you at the workshop.


         Third Workshop on Architecture Centric Virtual Integration at

                         WICSA and CompArch 2016



Important dates
* Paper Submission Deadline: February 18, 2016
* Paper Notification to Authors: March, 4 2016
* Camera-ready due: March, 11 2016
* Workshop Date: TBD

Architectural modeling and model-based technologies provide
foundations to perform early analysis of designs. These technologies
provide virtual integration capabilities by weaving architectural
models to other formal models (behavioral, error, mechanical, etc.).
Such virtual integration capability allows for a wide variety of
analysis techniques such as performance, safety, security analysis,
connection with requirements but also code generation and simulation
of models.

The Architecture-Centric Virtual Integration (ACVI) workshop is an
opportunity to gather researchers and industrial practitioners to
share and identify gaps in existing efforts related to virtual
integration, including (but not limited to) safety-critical systems
modeling, analysis and simulation

Cyber-Physical systems (CPS) combine many challenges to meet requirements for
reusability, interoperability, flexibility or dependability. The use of
architecture description language helps to integrate components before
implementing the system. Such integration approach eases system design analysis
and implementation, detects design errors and potential defects before
development efforts, avoiding re-engineering costs and making the system more
robust and safe.
This first edition of this workshop seeks contributions from researchers and
practitioners interested in architecture-centric methods and their use to design
and analyze systems. The conference topics of interest are:
  * Modeling Notations: new languages, inter-operability between languages
  * Architecture Centric Analysis Tools
  * Virtual Integration Process and Tools
  * Definition of extensions for the design of specific systems (e.g. avionics) or
    support of a particular analysis (e.g. safety)
  * Automatic Code Generation from Models
  * Model Transformation
  * Model Analysis Methods
  * Support of Certification (e.g. DO178C) using Models
  * Industrial experiences of use of Model-Based technologies

Paper submission
To contribute, please send a position paper or a technical paper via easychair
at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wicsaandcomparch2016

Paper format
All papers must conform, at time of submission, to the IEEE Formatting Guidelines,
use the A4 page format, and be submitted electronically through the Online
Submission Site.


Program Steering Committee
  * Julien Delange
  * Peter Feiler
  * Jerome Hugues

Program Committee
  * Guy Bois, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
  * Etienne Borde, TELECOM ParisTech, Paris, France.
  * Agusti Canals. CS Communications, France
  * Jorgen Hansson, University of Skovde, Sweden
  * Jerome Hugues, ISAE, Toulouse, France.
  * Emilio Insfran, Politecnica Valencia University, Spain
  * Thomas Noll, University of Aachen, Germany
  * Henry Muccini, University L'Aquipa, Italy
  * Alexey Khoroshilov, ISPRAS
  * Bruce Lewis, US Army, USA
  * Stephane Rubini, Lab-STICC, France
  * Oleg Sokolsky, UPENN, USA
  * Bechir Zalila, University of Sfax, Tunisia
  * Jean-Pierre Talpin, INRIA, France
  * Masumi Toyoshima, Denso Corposation

Contact & Information
* Website: http://www.acvi-workshop.org/acvi2016/
* E-mail: contact at acvi-workshop.org
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