[aadl]: Difficulty reproducing client-server example

Derrick Lau derrick.lau at live.ca
Mon Jun 1 11:47:19 EDT 2015

Those are exactly the errors I got, in both graphical editor and in the AADL syntax/text editor.
Thanks...I appreciate your doublechecking and advice.
Now, the question is: Is this a bug introduced recently into Osate, or is the example in the text book no longer up to date?  ie perhaps the AADL standard has changed in that area since the book was published.
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2015 10:42:32 -0500
Subject: Re: [aadl]: Difficulty reproducing client-server example
From: pwa0001 at uah.edu
To: derrick.lau at live.ca
CC: sae-aadl-users at lists.sei.cmu.edu

What error are you receiving? Is the issue specific to the graphical editor? 
I tried recreating the model using the graphical editor. The only issue I had is that I wasn't able to create the Actual_Subprogram_Call property association in the example. There are two reasons for this:
1.) Except for a few cases such as bindings, the graphical editor relies on OSATE-core for the property value editing support. I wasn't able to find a way to create the Actual_Subprogram_Call property association in the example using the "AADL Property Values" view.
2.) The property association in the example does not appear to be valid. I tried entering it into the text editor and I receive an error for the property association. Actual_Subprogram_Call doesn't apply to subprogram calls. It applies to subprogram accesses.  

Philip Alldredge
Research ScientistRotorcraft Systems Engineering and Simulation CenterUniversity of Alabama in HuntsvilleVBRH A-4256-824-4837Philip.Alldredge at uah.edu

On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 10:27 AM, Derrick Lau <derrick.lau at live.ca> wrote:

I tried it on the latest approved Osate version (  OSATE2 2.1.0.v20150505-1750 osate2 null) and still got the exact same error.
From: derrick.lau at live.ca
To: sae-aadl-users at lists.sei.cmu.edu
Subject: RE: Difficulty reproducing client-server example
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2015 11:07:59 -0400

Forgot to mention my Osate version :)  osate2-2.1.0-v20150315-1528
From: derrick.lau at live.ca
To: sae-aadl-users at lists.sei.cmu.edu
Subject: RE: Difficulty reproducing client-server example
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2015 11:03:11 -0400

I also tried copying and pasting in the AADL syntax but I got this error in my Osate ():
Multiple markers at this line

- Assigning reference value with incorrect Named Element class

   to property 'Deployment_Properties::Actual_Subprogram_Call'

   of type 'ReferenceType'

- Property Deployment_Properties::Actual_Subprogram_Call does

   not apply to client_process.calling_thread.call_server
Below is a copy and paste of the AADL syntax:
package TestClientServer1



	system client_server_sys

		end client_server_sys; 


	system implementation client_server_sys.impl


client_process: process client_process.impl;

server_process: process server_process.impl;


Actual_Subprogram_Call =>


    applies to  client_process.calling_thread.call_server;

end client_server_sys.impl;


process client_process

end client_process;


process implementation client_process.impl


calling_thread: thread calling.impl;

end client_process.impl;


thread calling

end calling;


thread implementation calling.impl

calls   server_call_sequence: 


           call_server: subprogram service_it ; 


end calling.impl;


process server_process


service: provides subprogram access service_it;

end server_process;


process implementation server_process.impl


server_thread: thread server_thread.impl;

end server_process.impl;


thread server_thread


service: provides subprogram access service_it;

end server_thread;


thread implementation server_thread.impl

end server_thread.impl;


subprogram service_it

end service_it; 

end TestClientServer1;
From: derrick.lau at live.ca
To: sae-aadl-users at lists.sei.cmu.edu
Subject: Difficulty reproducing client-server example
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2015 10:13:53 -0400

In the book "Model-based engineering with AADL an introduction to the SAE Architecture Analysis & Design Language" by Feiler and Gluch, published Sept 25, 2012, there is an example client server system modelled using subprogram calls (image attached) that I cannot re-create graphically using Osate.
Has anyone tried this yet?
Book information for reference:
Model-Based Engineering with AADL: An Introduction to the SAE Architecture Analysis & Design LanguageBy: Peter H. Feiler; David P. GluchPublisher: Addison-Wesley ProfessionalPub. Date: September 25, 2012Print ISBN-10: 0-321-88894-4Print ISBN-13: 978-0-321-88894-5Web ISBN-10: 0-13-313292-7Web ISBN-13: 978-0-13-313292-2Pages in Print Edition: 496 		 	   		   		 	   		   		 	   		   		 	   		  

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