[aadl]: Eclipse / Osate 2 Bugs

Hauck phtde at web.de
Thu May 7 11:15:50 EDT 2015

Hey together,

i try to do my thesis with aadl - among other things.
So as a newbie it is really hard to avoid all those little traps.
First of all O want to tell you what I use.
This is my eclipse configuration (downloaded from your site):

  AADL-BA-FrontEnd 1.0.0.v20150216-1636
org.osate.ba.feature.feature.group TELECOM
  AADL-Utils 1.0.0.v20141117-0906 org.osate.utils.feature.feature.group TELECOM
  Agree 1.0.0.v20150224-1902
com.rockwellcollins.atc.agree.feature.feature.group ROCKWELLCOLLINS
  CertWare OMG SACM
net.certware.feature.sacm.feature.group Kestrel Technology LLC
  Error Model Annex V2 for OSATE2 2.1.0.v20150422-1956
org.osate.xtext.aadl2.errormodel.feature.feature.group CMU-SEI
  OSATE2 2.1.0.v20150501-1818 osate2 null
  OSATE2-Ocarina 0.0.1.v20150331-1301
org.osate.ocarina.feature.feature.group null
  Resolute 1.0.0.v20150410-0041
com.rockwellcollins.atc.resolute.feature.feature.group ROCKWELLCOLLINS

First pitfall was that there were 3 Wizards represented to me when there
was no project established.
So after checking out where the eclipse logs where, I found out that I have
to use the third one first.

Then I tried to use the [Aadl Package (Graphical)] Wizard to create new
But as I found out, there are some restricted words like device...

Is there an more bug-free version available?
Or a good tutorial/script which shows me the things I should NOT do?

Thank you for reply!

Best wishes
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