[aadl]: AADL Meeting Jan 30 to Feb 2 in Toulouse (UNCLASSIFIED)

Lewis, Bruce A CIV USARMY RDECOM (US) bruce.a.lewis.civ at mail.mil
Sun Dec 18 23:26:27 EST 2016


Here's a reminder for our next meeting.  It's in Toulouse Jan 30 to Feb 2 at ENSEEITH. 

The contact is:
Marc Pantel
			Maître de Conférences en Informatique
			Assistant Professor in Computer Science
			IRIT - Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse - CNRS
			N7 - INPT - Université de Toulouse - France - Europe
			phone +(33) 534 32 2185
			fax +(33) 534 32 2157
			cell +(33) 676 221 687 

I'll send out the notes from the last meeting tomorrow.  Please send me any presentations you would like to provide.  I'll send out the draft agenda soon.


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