[aadl]: including aadl files

Pierre Dissaux pierre.dissaux at ellidiss.com
Thu Apr 19 03:46:13 EDT 2018

Hello David,

Note that “with” clauses refer to AADL packages (or property sets), not to AADL files.
So, you cannot limit the number of “with” clauses but you can limit the number of files by putting several packages within a single file.
However, the standard does not say anything about what an AADL file may contain, so this may be tool dependent.

Best regards

Pierre Dissaux
Ellidiss Technologies

From: daizen daizeb 
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 3:09 PM
To: sae-aadl-users at lists.sei.cmu.edu 
Subject: [aadl]: including aadl files


I'm new to aadl and wanted to know if there is any possibility to avoid many "with"-statements when including a large amount of aadl-files. Is there is a possibility to include a complete folder of files or something similar?

Greetings David
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