[aadl]: OSATE Annex Interface

W gongfeng1007han at 163.com
Mon May 14 22:18:43 EDT 2018

Good morning,
      HI! I am working on an extension for AADL. I have already defined xtext grammer for an annex for the purpose. I will integrate it in OSATE2. But I met some questions about OSATE Annex interface.
1.The only information I can get is org.osate.annexsupport from OSATE Javadoc and Sublanguage/Sublanguage Example. It’s not enough for me to realize the OSATE interface, because the methods in annexsupport is too little for me.Where can I refer to the information about those methods?
2.What is the difference between AnnexLinkingService and AnnexReslover?
If I can get your help, I will appreciate it !
     Kind regards
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