[netsa-tools-discuss] Custom C code reads invalid sTime from newer silk files.
mworld at twbc.net
Wed Dec 31 01:38:44 EST 2014
Hi. Below is a very basic program which just opens and reads all the
records in a silk file (made for testing this issue). This method has
been working great, until recently. When I read newer silk files,
rwrec->sTime does not appear to be milliseconds (it does not appear to
be an endian issue). I am kinda of stumped since the binaries that come
with silk work fine and read the date correctly and I'm using the same
library as them.
Problem: rwrec->sTime is returning as this: 34388381982 instead of
milliseconds. Other fields seem fine.
The same issue occurs using c++ and printing it out using an output stream.
New SiLK file where sTime reads incorrectly: (created with no ipv6 support)
format(id) FT_RWROUTED(0x10)
version 16
byte-order littleEndian
compression(id) zlib(1)
header-length 64
record-length 32
record-version 5
silk-version 3.9.0
count-records 2165
file-size 30028
packed-file-info 2014/12/31T01:00:00 0 0
Older SiLK file where sTime reads correctly: (created with ipv6 support)
format(id) FT_RWIPV6(0x0b)
version 16
byte-order littleEndian
compression(id) zlib(1)
header-length 68
record-length 68
record-version 1
silk-version 2.5.0
count-records 3442787
file-size 46860014
packed-file-info 2013/08/01T10:00:00 0 0
SiLK is compiled with the local time flag using the FreeBSD port:
security/silktools (FreeBSD 9.3 64bit).
Any help would be appreciated.
sk_cc=`silk_config --compiler`
sk_cflags=`silk_config --cflags`
sk_libs=`silk_config --libsilk-libs`
$sk_cc $sk_cflags -o silk-decode-test silk-decode-test.c $sk_libs
#include <stdio.h>
#include <silk/silk.h>
#include <silk/skstream.h>
#include <silk/rwrec.h>
#include <silk/utils.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (argc != 2) {
printf("Usage %s silk-file\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
rwRec rwrec;
skstream_t *rwios = NULL;
int rv = SKSTREAM_OK;
rv = skStreamOpenSilkFlow(&rwios, argv[1], SK_IO_READ);
if (rv != SKSTREAM_OK) {
printf("Unable to open input file '%s'\n", argv[1]);
skStreamPrintLastErr(rwios, rv, &skAppPrintErr);
} else {
printf("%14s%8s%8s\n", "sTime","pks","bytes");
while ((rv = skStreamReadRecord(rwios, &rwrec)) == SKSTREAM_OK) {
printf("%14llu", rwRecGetStartTime(&rwrec));
printf("%8lu", rwRecGetPkts(&rwrec));
printf("%8lu\n", rwRecGetBytes(&rwrec));
return 0;
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