[netsa-tools-discuss] rwflowpack

John Green John.Green at ja.net
Mon Oct 13 11:45:48 EDT 2014

On Wed, 2014-10-08 at 13:18 -0400, Mark Thomas wrote:
> John-
> I am not surprised at the behavior you are seeing.
> The -ipblock code was intended to handle a few CIDR blocks, not
> thousands of blocks, and the search though the blocks is not
> efficient.

Hi Mark,
Thanks for getting back to me.   I'll take a look at writing a more
efficient packing logic module to handle my atypical usage.

Are there any figures available anywhere for the quantity of netflow
typically pushed through a single Silk processing chain?  I've been
hitting various issues with rwsender/rwreceiver and rwflowpack/append as
well.  I am trying to process around 500GB/day.     

I am trying to get an idea on how many systems this would need to be
distributed across.


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