[netsa-tools-discuss] none fire walled port showing closed in sockstat
Christoper Holland
christech at skyviewtech.com
Tue Sep 9 18:39:20 EDT 2014
New to silk. been going through the install and config. I believe
sensor.conf and silk.conf are set up properly. I start rwflowpack or
flowcap I'm not seeing data. I've checked my router and it is sending
netflow to the correct udp port assigned in sensor.conf. port is open on
Server is running Debian Wheezy. Interface for flow traffic is eth2. ip
of nic 169.xxx.xxx.135. ip of router sending flows 169.xxx.xxx.145.
Single server configuration receiving flow data from cisco router.
My issue is that when I check sockstat it shows rwflowpack or flowcap
binding to the udp port, but shows closed instead of listing or established.
# sensor.conf ####
using bogus ip's as example
probe b2 netflow-v5
listen-on-port 2051
listen-as-host 169.xxx.xxx.135
accept-from-host 169.xxx.xxx.145
protocol udp
end probe
sensor b2
netflow-v5-probes b2
external-interface 5, 6
internal-interface remainder
end sensor
# silk.conf ####
sensor 0 b2
class all
sensors b2
end class
# Editing above this line is sufficient for sensor definition.
# Be sure you understand the workings of the packing system before
# editing the class and type definitions below. In particular, if you
# change or add-to the following, the C code in packlogic-twoway.c
# will need to change as well.
class all
type 0 in in
type 1 out out
type 2 inweb iw
type 3 outweb ow
type 4 innull innull
type 5 outnull outnull
type 6 int2int int2int
type 7 ext2ext ext2ext
type 8 inicmp inicmp
type 9 outicmp outicmp
type 10 other other
default-types in inweb inicmp
end class
default-class all
# The layout of the tree below SILK_DATA_ROOTDIR.
# Use the default, which assumes a single class.
# path-format "%T/%Y/%m/%d/%x"
# The plug-in to load to get the packing logic to use in rwflowpack.
# The --packing-logic switch to rwflowpack will override this value.
# If SiLK was configured with hard-coded packing logic, this value is
# ignored.
packing-logic "packlogic-twoway.so"
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