[netsa-tools-discuss] More beginner questions

Keith Miller orekdm at gmail.com
Fri Sep 19 15:20:37 EDT 2014


We've definitely decided to start utilizing your ecosystem, but have a few

Is there a native way to ingest sFlow records, or will I need to use a tool
like sflowtool to convert them to PCAP before feeding to yaf as a file?

Is there any documentation about the practical limits of Analysis Pipeline
and watchlist scalability?  My initial target is to monitor for 200K ip's
with an initial rate of 50MB/s peak.   But is there anything that would
stop me from scaling that up to millions of IP's at 1GB/s?

Last, are there any reference architectures available that speak to HA
deployments at the aforementioned scales?

Thanks in advance!

Keith Miller
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