[netsa-tools-discuss] ASA denied events

John Green John.Green at jisc.ac.uk
Mon Jul 13 06:17:56 EDT 2015

On Fri, 2015-07-10 at 15:24 -0400, Mark Thomas wrote:
> > The majority of the remaining flows logged as IGNORED by flowcap
> > appear to be SKIPFIX_FW_EVENT_DELETED where bytes and rev-bytes ==
> > 0.  These appear to be unsuccessful connections (eg SYN to closed
> > port - so no payload bytes).
> And the incoming packet has some octet count, does it not?  If you
> are giving me a deleted event, why does the volume of the incoming
> packet not count?

The initiator/responder octets for ASA flows appears to be payload
bytes rather than headers+payload (based on what I'm seeing rather than
any specific Cisco documentation).

A SYN to a closed port (eg which gets a RST in return) is reported as a
DELETED firewall event with initiator/responder octets == 0.

I see similar behaviour for successful flows when compared to a non-ASA
collector (eg ASA byte count < non-ASA byte count for the identical

> > Can these simple be stored as 0 (payload) byte flows?
> Here are my thoughts on a Friday afternoon:

<SNIP - Lots of reasons why 0 byte records could be bad>

Perhaps setting packets=1 octets=1, like it does with denied events,
would cause fewer issues?


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