[netsa-tools-discuss] SiLK check-struct and license issues

Mark Thomas mthomas at cert.org
Mon May 18 15:27:08 EDT 2015

Regarding the technical questions, my reply is inline:

On Fri, 15 May 2015 23:34:29 -0500, B. Galliart wrote:

> It looks like at some point the ski_extrwrec_t template in
> libflowsource/skipfix.c was extended to include
> flowStartNanoseconds and flowEndNanoseconds.  However,
> skiCheckDataStructure() does not seem to have been updated
> accordingly.  The result is that all entries past
> flowEndMicroseconds report as "hole" when running check-struct.
> Adding the two entries after flowEndMicroseconds for the check
> data structure function seems to address this.

Yes, you are correct, and good job discovering the issue.  I failed
to update the testing code when I added nanosecond support to SiLK
3.10.0; I noticed this recently when I extended the Gauntlet of Time
for additional information elements.

> Is it safe to assume that the holes stated in an unmodified SiLK
> v3.10.1 check-struct can be ignored?


> Also, can the alignment errors for mplsLabels and pad also be
> ignored?

Yes.  The check to see whether a field is properly aligned is
simplistic and it does not account for fields that are accessed as
an octet array.  Since that code is for use during development, I
have not felt the need to make it smarter.

Thank you for your email.


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