[netsa-tools-discuss] installaing analysis-pipline libsnarf won't find libprotobuf-c

Tony Cebzanov tonyc at cert.org
Fri Nov 20 10:30:44 EST 2015


On 11/20/15 10:02 AM, asad wrote:
> As asked Tony, here it the config.log . Let me know If more is required.

Now that you're on the 14.04 box, my suspicion based on the config.log 
you sent is that the library package is installed, but the -dev package 
that contains the headers is not.  To confirm, please run:

     $ dpkg -l libprotobuf-c0-dev

and if it says the package is not installed, please install it with:

     $ apt-get install libprotobuf-c0-dev

and then try configure again.

If the -dev package is installed and you're getting the same error in 
config.log, please send me the output of:

     $ pkg-config --cflags libprotobuf-c

Tony Cebzanov * <tonyc at cert.org>
(M) +1 412 265-1240 * (W) +1 412 268-9149
CERT/CC * Engineering * Product Development
Software Engineering Institute * Carnegie Mellon University

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