[netsa-tools-discuss] installaing analysis-pipline libsnarf won't find libprotobuf-c

asad a.alii85 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 22 09:25:09 EDT 2015

> analysis pipeline (without snarf enabled) logs can apparently be
> imported into a SIEM (arcsight is mentioned in the docs).

Yes, but then I want to move logs directly protocol wise (syslog) to siem
instead of forwarding or importing them. Also, running analysis pipeline on
same machine as silk can create other issues. For downgrading
libprotobuf-c0-dev. I fear I may break silk tools etc.

> In what way?  Works for me.

I can't access via web browser.

What version of analysis pipeline are you using? Thanks.

On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 3:03 PM, John Green <johng at csirt.ja.net> wrote:

> On Thu, 2015-10-22 at 14:44 +0500, asad wrote:
> > I need snarf perhaps to send logs directly to dedicated siem through
> > use of ALERT destinations? Should it work?
> analysis pipeline (without snarf enabled) logs can apparently be
> imported into a SIEM (arcsight is mentioned in the docs).
> > Also, the git-hub you gave, is not accessible.
> In what way?  Works for me.
> John
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