[netsa-tools-discuss] stand-alone silk installation (how to use yaf to create sample traffic for flowViewer)

asad a.alii85 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 14:40:54 EDT 2015


I'm using silk + flowViewer setup. I want @ipfix_devices to be populated
which is used by FlowViewer_Configuration.pm of Flowviewer.

I want to know using yaf is is possible to play a pcap file with the effect
that it will produce the required folders structure in /data/flows.
The structure is needed by FlowViewer.

I'm in test environment I cannot afford to sent real netflows from switch
or router.

I have used so far tcpreplay to generated sample netflow. This has resulted
into following dirs /data

├── ext2ext
│   └── 2015
│   └── 09
│   └── 11
│   └── ext2ext-S0_20150911.14
├── in
│   └── 2015
│   └── 09
│   └── 10
│   ├── in-S0_20150910.20
│   └── nohup.out
├── int2int
│   └── 2015
│   └── 09
│   └── 10
│   └── int2int-S0_20150910.20
├── nohup.out
├── out
│   └── 2015
│   └── 09
│   └── 10
│   └── out-S0_20150910.20
├── outweb
│   └── 2015
│   └── 09
│   └── 11
│   └── ow-S0_20150911.14
├── sensors.conf
└── silk.conf

Still, I see no device folder. My silk.conf is
#The layout of the tree below SILK_DATA_ROOTDIR.
\ #Use the default, which assumes a single class.
#path-format "%T/%Y/%m/%d/%x"

Perhaps I need to change sensors.conf I'm not sure. Thanks.

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