[netsa-tools-discuss] ASNum / Organisation map

Evgeniy Sudyr eject.in.ua at gmail.com
Sat Apr 2 06:39:50 EDT 2016

Hi all,

I found I'm missing mapping ASNum and Organisation information for
flows I'm analysing.

At the moment I have to adjust output results with own scripts, but
this is quite wrong (and slower) approach.

Maxmind provides not only GeoIP City, but also ASN databases under
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License there:


As per documentation
https://tools.netsa.cert.org/silk/rwpmaplookup.html it's possible to
make mapping files for this purposes using rwpmaplookup, but I think
it make sense to create and include tool to SiLK toolkit like
rwgeoip2ccmap (rwgeoip2asnmap for example) to create a ASN code prefix
maps from a GeoLite ASN and GeoLite ASN IPv6 CSV files?

If go further -  there are more databases from Maxmind available
(commercial) in CSV format -  I have subscription for these two:

GeoIP2 ISP (example record from GeoIP2-ISP-Blocks-IPv4.csv file):,"China Telecom Guangdong","China Telecom Guangdong",,

It will be great to get this information in SiLK. What do you thick?

With regards,
Evgeniy Sudyr

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