[netsa-tools-discuss] Date on SILK/rwflowpack directory is in the future by a good bit.

Collyer, Jeffrey W. (jwc3f) jwc3f at virginia.edu
Wed Jan 31 21:37:32 EST 2018

  Thanks for the help but something is still off.  I logged timestamps and got loads of this

Jan 31 21:19:37 nf2 rwflowpack[60103]: 'GIGAMON-NF-1': Set sTime=2018/01/10T18:20:05.127Z, dur=20.793s from incoming record flowStartSysUpTime=2466682730, flowEndSysUpTime=2466703523, systemInitTimeMilliseconds=1517436689693, exportTimeSeconds=1517451199, calculated sysUpTime=14509307, assume sysUpTime rollover
Jan 31 21:19:37 nf2 rwflowpack[60103]: 'GIGAMON-NF-1': Set sTime=2018/01/10T18:20:13.471Z, dur=12.662s from incoming record flowStartSysUpTime=2466691074, flowEndSysUpTime=2466703736, systemInitTimeMilliseconds=1517436689693, exportTimeSeconds=1517451199, calculated sysUpTime=14509307, assume sysUpTime rollover
Jan 31 21:19:37 nf2 rwflowpack[60103]: 'GIGAMON-NF-1': Set sTime=2018/01/10T18:20:15.038Z, dur=10.928s from incoming record flowStartSysUpTime=2466692641, flowEndSysUpTime=2466703569, systemInitTimeMilliseconds=1517436689693, exportTimeSeconds=1517451199, calculated sysUpTime=14509307, assume sysUpTime rollover

Which will there is a large discrepancy between systemInitTimeMilliseconds and flowStartSysUpTime=2466692641, it only looks like about 615x not 1000x

I added the quirks statement to my sensor.conf probe -

probe GIGAMON-NF-1 netflow-v9
     listen-on-port 9901
     protocol udp
#    log-flags default record-timestamps
     quirks nf9-sysuptime-seconds
end probe

But now my rwflowpack seems to be writing data in the past

rwflowpac 60320 root    1w   REG      7,1 677123489  1181300 /usr/local/var/lib/rwflowpack/log/rwflowpack-20180131.log
rwflowpac 60320 root    2w   REG      7,1 677123489  1181300 /usr/local/var/lib/rwflowpack/log/rwflowpack-20180131.log
rwflowpac 60320 root    3w   REG      7,1 677123489  1181300 /usr/local/var/lib/rwflowpack/log/rwflowpack-20180131.log
rwflowpac 60320 root    9uW  REG     0,77 353192952    41263 /opt/silk/data/GIGAMON-NF-1/outweb/2017/10/24/ow-GIGAMON-NF-1_20171024.22 (
rwflowpac 60320 root   10uW  REG     0,77 207543542    41262 /opt/silk/data/GIGAMON-NF-1/in/2017/10/24/in-GIGAMON-NF-1_20171024.22 (
rwflowpac 60320 root   11uW  REG     0,77     22735    41265 /opt/silk/data/GIGAMON-NF-1/int2int/2017/10/24/int2int-GIGAMON-NF-1_20171024.22 (

Something is still amiss.  I will freely admit that I did a Gigamon firmware update around the time this started happening, but my other flow collector seems to no be affected, so I missed that Silk was having problem.

What other data can I provide to help you figure out what is happening and how to fix it?


> On Jan 25, 2018, at 5:28 PM, Mark Thomas <mthomas at cert.org> wrote:
> Jeff-
> Thank you for using the NetSA tools.  Thanks also for your question.
> In NetFlow v9, the starting and ending times for an individual
> record are given as offsets from a timestamp in the message header.
> (Details below.)  Sometimes SiLK may misinterpret these offsets and
> produce odd timestamps.
> You can tell rwflowpack to write the incoming record timestamps in
> the log file.  To do this, you must modify the sensor.conf file.
> Locate the probe block(s) in the file, and add the following
> statement:
>  log-flags default record-timestamps
> (If you already have a log-flags statement for a probe, add the
> record-timestamps value to it.)
> Once you restart rwflowpack, it will print values it receives for
> each flow record and how it interprets those values to create an
> absolute timestamp.  Note that this produces a lot of output in the
> log file.
> Having the timestamp data in the log file should help in debugging
> the issue.
> If you find that the systemInitTimeMilliseconds is about 1000 times
> less than the flowStartSysUpTime, the Gigamon may have the same
> issue as we recently discovered on SonicWall appliances.  We added
> a quirk to work-around the problem, which you can enable by adding
>  quirks nf9-sysuptime-seconds
> to the probe block(s) and restarting rwflowpack.
> I hope this helps, and if you have further questions or would like
> assistance in interpreting the log output, please let us know.
> Cheers,
> -Mark
> NetFlow timestamp details:
> The starting and ending times for an individual NetFlow v9 record
> are given as offsets from the device's initialization time (where
> the initialization time is often the router's boot time).  The
> NetFlow message header contains the message's export time as both an
> offset from the initialization time and in the traditional form used
> by UNIX (seconds since January 1, 1970).  The offsets have
> millisecond precision and are stored in 32-bit numbers; this causes
> the values to roll-over every 49.7 days.
> SiLK expects all the offsets to be fairly close to one another.  If
> they are not, SiLK assumes a value has rolled over and attempts to
> compensate for that.  This can cause SiLK to produce timestamps that
> occur about 50 days in the future or past.
> The record-timestamps log-flag causes rwflowpack to record the
> offsets on each record (flowStartSysUpTime, flowEndSysUpTime), the
> offset in the header (systemInitTimeMilliseconds), the current UNIX
> time (exportTimeSeconds), the start time it computes, and whether it
> assumed offsets had rolled-over.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Collyer, Jeffrey W. (jwc3f)" <jwc3f at virginia.edu>
> Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2018 20:57:33 +0000
> To: "netsa-tools-discuss at cert.org" <netsa-tools-discuss at cert.org>
> Subject: [netsa-tools-discuss] Date on SILK/rwflowpack directory is in the
> 	future by a good bit.
> So I have a Gigamon generating Netflow v9 and sending it to two collectors, one of which is Silk.
> The Silk collector is suddenly writing files with dates in the future.
> The second collector is seeing the same flow data and only sees time/date stamps for today, nothing in the future.
> Much as I would love to know the future I can’t figure out what is causing this.
> For example
> /opt/silk/data/GIGAMON-NF-1/in/2018/02/12# ls -al
> total 2998086
> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root        14 Jan 23 15:27 .
> drwxr-xr-x 5 root root         5 Jan 23 04:27 ..
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 221513566 Jan 23 05:29 in-GIGAMON-NF-1_20180212.00
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 220770422 Jan 23 06:29 in-GIGAMON-NF-1_20180212.01
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 238481114 Jan 23 07:29 in-GIGAMON-NF-1_20180212.02
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 248975819 Jan 23 08:29 in-GIGAMON-NF-1_20180212.03
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 278772583 Jan 23 09:29 in-GIGAMON-NF-1_20180212.04
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 288936702 Jan 23 10:29 in-GIGAMON-NF-1_20180212.05
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 297647756 Jan 23 11:29 in-GIGAMON-NF-1_20180212.06
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 301989843 Jan 23 12:29 in-GIGAMON-NF-1_20180212.07
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 296719238 Jan 23 13:29 in-GIGAMON-NF-1_20180212.08
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 300709672 Jan 23 14:29 in-GIGAMON-NF-1_20180212.09
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 298666055 Jan 23 15:29 in-GIGAMON-NF-1_20180212.10
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  77347926 Jan 23  2018 in-GIGAMON-NF-1_20180212.11
> /opt/silk/data/GIGAMON-NF-1/in/2018/02/12# date
> Tue Jan 23 15:43:12 EST 2018
> Ive checked the date on the Gigamon, the VM that Silk is running on, and the Hypervisor.  All are correct and are NTP synced.
> I restarted rwflowpack, rebooted the VM, and even motioned it off and bounced the hypervisor.
> I was on silk-3.14.0, but I just upgraded to silk-3.16.0 in case that might help. It didn’t.
> My conf files are pretty stock, and previously it had been working fine.
> Any help/hints/idea about whats wrong and how I might fix this greatly appreciated.
> Jeff
> Jeffrey Collyer
> Information Security Engineer
> University of Virginia

Jeffrey Collyer
Information Security Engineer
University of Virginia
jwc3f at virginia.edu

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