[netsa-tools-discuss] RWFLOWPACK error but still process ipfix

Mark Thomas mthomas at cert.org
Mon May 14 12:02:16 EDT 2018


Thank you for your question.

Using the default configuration for SiLK, I do not see how that
error can be generated.  I need some additional information to
determine why rwflowpack is not acting as expected.

If possible, would you please send me the output of

  rwflowpack --version

Is this a SiLK installation that you downloaded and built yourself?
If not, is there a Docker (or other container-ization) configuration
you can share?



-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph West <josephwestlinux at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 12 May 2018 17:38:10 -0500
To: <netsa-tools-discuss at cert.org>
Subject: [netsa-tools-discuss] RWFLOWPACK error but still process ipfix


My rwflowpack log states this message multiple times:

rwflowpack[13] Cannot determine flowtype of record from probe S0E: input 3;
output 3.

I believe my sensor.conf is misconfigured. How do I find the correct SMTP
external ports?

probe S0E ipfix
   listen on {port hidden for security}
   protocol tcp
end probe

sensor S0E
   ipfix-probes S0E
   external-interface 0,2,257,259
   internal-interfaces 1,3,256,258
end sensor

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