[netsa-tools-discuss] Specfile for Silk

Mark Thomas mthomas at cert.org
Thu Nov 2 09:34:27 EDT 2023


I am sorry for the trouble you had with the SiLK tools.

Thank you for diagnosing the problem and sharing the solution.  I will apply this to our code.



-----Original Message-----
From: Ulrik Haugen <ulrik.haugen at liu.se>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2023 11:21:35 +0100
To: <netsa-tools-discuss at cert.org>
Subject: [netsa-tools-discuss] Specfile for Silk


I just built new rpms of Silk for el9 and had some trouble installing
the resulting packages as silk-rwflowpack and silk-analysis required
"silk-common = 3.22.0-1.el9.el9", note the doubled ".el9".

To fix i added this command to our build scripts:

    sed -i -e 's/^%define release .*/&%{?dist}/' \
        -e 's/\(%[{]release[}]\)%[{][?]dist[}]/\1/' \

As rpmbuild automatically defines the release macro after seeing the
release: header in a specfile, references to it after that are not the
same as before it if the header says anything else than "%{release}".
The sed command adds %{?dist} to the initial definition of release and
removes it from all following references to release.

Best regards
Ulrik Haugen
Linköping university

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