[aadl]: AADL meeting in Denver cancelled, will do Netmeeting. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Lewis, Bruce (AMRDEC) bruce.a.lewis at us.army.mil
Tue Sep 14 16:19:04 EDT 2010

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Dear All,

As most of you know, Peter had to have surgery to remove a tumor on his
kidney.  The operation went well and he is in recovery now at home.
However, the doctor wants him to wait some time before returning to
work.  It seems best to cancel the Denver meeting and substitute a web
meeting.  Please email me with what you would like to cover at the web
meeting and I will put together the schedule.  We for sure would want to
work any of the annexes, especially the error modeling annex and should
work the errata.  I'm also very interested in your advances.  We've got
some nice work to report on with SAVI and the Army in the reliability
and safety domain.  Also we can also report on a new method for system
upgrade analysis using the AADL.  The SEI has a great demonstration of
optimization through formal analysis of multiple system properties.  

Save your travel dollars for January in Florida,
Sorry for this interruption in planning,

Chair, AS2C

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

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