[aadl]: Reminder - ACVI15 workshop contribution - submission deadline on April 19

Julien Delange jdelange at sei.cmu.edu
Sun Apr 12 21:54:14 EDT 2015

Dear all,

As a reminder, please consider to submit a paper at the second Architecture-Centric Virtual Integration workshop. The submission deadline is April, 19.

The ACVI15 workshop will take place in Madrid at the same time as the AADL committee meeting and the Ada Europe conference in Madrid in June.
The full call for paper is available at the following locations:

-          http://www.aadl.info/aadl/acvi/acvi2015/submission.html

-          http://www.aadl.info/aadl/acvi/acvi2015/cfp.txt

Workshop proceedings will be available online. Two papers will also be selected to be published in the Ada User Journal (AUJ).
Please consider to submit a paper to the workshop. This is a good way to present your work to the AADL community.
Also, please forward this call for paper to any interested person or collaborator.

Peter and Julien.

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