[aadl]: Connection Binding

Julien Delange jdelange at sei.cmu.edu
Mon Apr 13 06:41:42 EDT 2015


Please report a bug with the model at https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/aadl/index.php/Reporting_a_bug
So that we can keep track of the issue.



From: sae-aadl-users-bounces+jdelange=sei.cmu.edu at lists.sei.cmu.edu [mailto:sae-aadl-users-bounces+jdelange=sei.cmu.edu at lists.sei.cmu.edu] On Behalf Of Mohsen Fazelinia
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 1:00 AM
To: sae-aadl-users at lists.sei.cmu.edu
Subject: [aadl]: Connection Binding

Dear all
I have an error "no actual connection binding to hardware" in my model. this error occur between threads in one process or between on device and on process in a system. also allocate "Allowed_Connection_Binding"  "Actual_Connection_Binding" but this error is not resolve. how can resolve it?
I attache my code in this email. so, when i instantiate FCPC.federated and implement connection binding check analysis, i have 1 warning. this warning refer to no actual connection binding but i allocate rs232 bus connection binding.
also, when instantiate FCU.federated and and implement connection binding check analysis, i have 4 error and 4 warning. these warning and error are similar to previous.
how can resolve these warnings and errors?
Best Regard
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