[aadl]: Conditional Required_Connection property

Clement Guy clement.guy at inria.fr
Tue Aug 4 10:52:00 EDT 2015

Hi all, 

I'm trying to obtain a working example from the Adaptive Cruise Control system case study contained in the joined report. 
The report is quite old and use a syntax which I'm not sure is still (if it ever was) authorized in the AADL. 

Basically it tries to have the Required_Connection property set to false for some ports only in given modes. 
You can fin below a simplified sample of such use of Required_Connection (line in red): 

process ControllerProcess 
inRadarError : in event port ; 
end ControllerProcess ; 

process implementation ControllerProcess.impl 
RADAR_UP: initial mode ; 
RADAR_DOWN: mode ; 
RADAR_UP -[inRadarError]-> RADAR_DOWN; 
Required_Connection => false applies to inRadarError in modes (RADAR_DOWN); 
end ControllerProcess.impl ; 

Is this authorized? If yes, why OSATE returns me syntax errors? If not, is there another way to do the same? 

Thanks in advance, 

Clément Guy , 
Research engineer in the TEA team 
Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique 

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