[aadl]: Conditional Required_Connection property

Pierre Dissaux pierre.dissaux at ellidiss.com
Tue Aug 4 12:07:09 EDT 2015


I believe the correct syntax is:

Required_Connection => false in modes (RADAR_DOWN) applies to inRadarError ;      


From: Clement Guy 
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2015 4:52 PM
To: sae-aadl-users at lists.sei.cmu.edu 
Subject: [aadl]: Conditional Required_Connection property

Hi all,

I'm trying to obtain a working example from the Adaptive Cruise Control system case study contained in the joined report.

The report is quite old and use a syntax which I'm not sure is still (if it ever was) authorized in the AADL.

Basically it tries to have the Required_Connection property set to false for some ports only in given modes.

You can fin below a simplified sample of such use of Required_Connection (line in red):

    process ControllerProcess
            inRadarError : in event port ;            
    end ControllerProcess ;
    process implementation ControllerProcess.impl        
            RADAR_UP: initial mode;
            RADAR_DOWN: mode;
            RADAR_UP -[inRadarError]-> RADAR_DOWN;
            Required_Connection => false applies to inRadarError in modes (RADAR_DOWN);            
    end ControllerProcess.impl ;

Is this authorized? If yes, why OSATE returns me syntax errors? If not, is there another way to do the same?

Thanks in advance,

Clément Guy,
Research engineer in the TEA team
Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique

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