[aadl]: Osate2 / AADL private packages

Peter Feiler phf at sei.cmu.edu
Tue Mar 24 09:29:50 EDT 2015

Classifiers in the private part of a package cannot be used in the public part as classifiers of a component implementation subcomponent.
Instead you define the component implementation in both the public and the private part of the package.
In the public part you specify the fact that it exists as a variant of the component type, possibly with properties specific to that variant. You do not include the subcomponent declarations (internal blue print).

In the private part of the package you repeat the component implementation declaration. It inherits the information from the public part and you add the “blue print” part, i.e., subcomponents and connections.


From: sae-aadl-users-bounces+phf=sei.cmu.edu at lists.sei.cmu.edu [mailto:sae-aadl-users-bounces+phf=sei.cmu.edu at lists.sei.cmu.edu] On Behalf Of Arne Haber
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 3:33 AM
To: sae-aadl-users at lists.sei.cmu.edu
Subject: [aadl]: Osate2 / AADL private packages

Hi all,
I have a question regarding private packages in AADL resp. Osate2.
According to [FGH06], are "declarations in the private segment
[...] visible only within the package". Thus, I assume, that component types and implementations which are declared within the private segment of the package, can be instantiated as subcomponents in a system component implementation in the public segment. I modeled the following example in Osate2:

package innerComponents

    system OuterComp
    end OuterComp;

    system implementation OuterComp.OuterCompImpl
        innerC: abstract InnerComp;
    end OuterComp.OuterCompImpl;


    abstract InnerComp
    end InnerComp;

end innerComponents;
However, I get the following error:
"Couldn't resolve reference to AbstractSubcomponentType 'InnerComp'."
Is this a) the expected behavior of private packages, or is it b) a bug in Osate2?
If a), what is the purpose of private packages if I cannot use the private declarations anywhere except in the private segment?
Best regards
  Arne Haber

[FGH06] Peter Feiler, David Gluch, and John Hudak. The Architecture Analysis & Design
Language (AADL): An Introduction. Technical Report Technical Note CMU/SEI-
2006-TN-011, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pitts-
burgh, Pennsylvania, February 2006.
Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. Arne Haber              |   Software Engineering
Lehrstuhl für Software Engineering       | RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany      |  http://www.se-rwth.de
Phone ++49 241 80-21308 / Fax -22218     |
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