[aadl]: Fwd: Invitation to AADL Meeting User's Day Tool Demonstrations, Feb 14, 2019

Bruce Lewis bruce.lewis at adventiumlabs.com
Mon Dec 3 10:45:37 EST 2018


As we discussed at the AADL meeting in London, we've invited AADL tool
developers to come for a User's Day fully focused on tools.  So our
meeting will be 4 full days, Monday through Thursday.  See message below
sent to tool providers.

If you know of other AADL tool providers that I have forgotten, please
send me a contact as soon as possible and I'll invite them.  Even if
they don't come, we would like to have their info.  Also, please let me
know if you are coming to Georgia Tech Feb 11-14 so I can make sure we
have adequate space.

See you at Georgia Tech,


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Invitation to AADL Meeting User's Day Tool Demonstrations, Feb
14, 2019
Date: 	Sun, 2 Dec 2018 21:03:38 -0600
From: 	Bruce Lewis <bruce.lewis at adventiumlabs.com>
To: 	Tyler Smith <tyler.smith at adventiumlabs.com>, Bernard Dion
<bernard.dion at ansys.com>, Kyle Nelson <kyle.nelson at adventiumlabs.com>,
thierry.lesergent at ansys.com <thierry.lesergent at ansys.com>, Brian Larson
<brl at ksu.edu>, frank singhoff <singhoff at univ-brest.fr>, Thomas Noll
(noll at cs.rwth-aachen.de) <noll at cs.rwth-aachen.de>,
Gregg.wildes at dornerworks.com, Pierre Dissaux
<pierre.dissaux at ellidiss.com>, Eric Feron <ericferon6 at gmail.com>, Feron,
Eric M <eric.feron at aerospace.gatech.edu>, Shawn Kline
<skline at idtus.com>, Alexey Khoroshilov <khoroshilov at ispras.ru>, John
Hatcliff <hatcliff at ksu.edu>, Prachee Sharma <Psharma at POC.co>, Darren
Cofer <darren.cofer at rockwellcollins.com>, Peter Feiler
<phf at sei.cmu.edu>, James Over <jwo at sei.cmu.edu>, Etienne Borde
<etienne.borde at telecom-paristech.fr>, Jérôme Hugues
<Jerome.HUGUES at isae-supaero.fr>, Dominique Blouin
<dominique.blouin at telecom-paristech.fr>, Chris Walter
<cwalter at wwtechnology.com>

Dear AADL tool/training developers,

As part of our AADL meeting at Georgia Tech, Feb 11-14, we are having a
day devoted to giving users, potential users, and  students an
opportunity to see the tools you are providing.  We will invite
engineers and management from Army Aviation, Navy Aviation/Ships, AFRL,
NASA, Georgia Tech students, Georgia Tech Research Institute, and
aviation contractors.  After we know who will be demonstrating, we will
send out the invitations and produce a webpage, with the descriptions
you provide of your technology.  So we need your response within the
next week, by Dec. 7th.

The User Day is Feb 14, the last day of the AADL meeting.  We will have
short presentations (20 min each planned) in the morning, like a poster
session, of your tools and then provide the afternoon for attendees to
come to you for discussion and demonstration.  We will also provide in
our invitation to the potential attendees, a list of the tools and
training so they can plan to visit those of most interest to them and
their projects, with a brief description of each toolset.  We will also
have an introductory presentation on AADL and on the Architecture
Centric Virtual Integration Process (ACVIP) to begin the morning session.

Here's what I need from each company:

Company name and contact information; Toolset name; A 4 sentence
description of the toolset and it's capabilities; a list of supported
analysis methods or capabilities with a short descriptor (a few words)
for each; and an estimated TRL level for each.  I also need to know the
names of those who will attend from your organization.

Please provide this as soon as possible.  There is no meeting fee for
this meeting.  You are welcome to attend the full AADL meeting or come
only to User Day.  Georgia Tech is in Atlanta, Georgia and the meeting
is sponsored by Dr. Eric Feron.  I'll provide hotel and the info on the
meeting location after I receive your input.

You can send us any questions but do so quickly. Please send your
response to:

Bruce Lewis at bruce.lewis at adventiumlabs.com
Tyler Smith at tyler.smith at adventiumlabs.com

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