[netsa-tools-discuss] Pipeline Does Not Work

Lutfi Oduncuoglu lutfioduncuoglu at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 03:22:26 EDT 2016


I am trying to install snarf on Debian 8 server and I am having the log
lines below

checking for GLIB - version >= 2.22.0... yes (version 2.42.1)
checking for LIBPROTOBUF_C... yes
checking presence of libprotobuf-c dependencies... yes
checking usability of libprotobuf-c library and headers... no
configure: error: A usable libprotobuf-c was not found.

I installed the protobuf via apt the ouput is below

aptitude search protobuf | grep ^i
i   libprotobuf-c-dev               - Protocol Buffers C static library and
i A libprotobuf-c1                  - Protocol Buffers C shared library
i   libprotobuf-c1-dbg              - Protocol Buffers C shared library
debug sy
i   libprotobuf-dev                 - protocol buffers C++ library
i A libprotobuf-lite9               - protocol buffers C++ library (lite
i A libprotobuf9                    - protocol buffers C++
i   protobuf-c-compiler             - Protocol Buffers C compiler
i   protobuf-compiler               - compiler for protocol buffer
definition fi
i   python-protobuf                 - Python bindings for protocol

Morver I also installed protobuf-2.6.1.

I got libprotobuf.pc file in pkg-config directory


I tried

./configure --with-libprotobuf-c=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/


export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/


but got the same errors. Can you please help me?

Best Regards,


On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 10:02 AM, Lutfi Oduncuoglu <
lutfioduncuoglu at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I let you know the as soon as possible.
> Thank you cvery much,
> Regards,
> Lutfi
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 6:11 PM, Daniel Ruef <druef at cert.org> wrote:
>> Hi Lutfi,
>> I’m guessing that you are trying to use “pipeline.conf” as your
>> configuration file that is supposed to contain FILTERS and EVALUATIONS.
>> This file that is included with the pipeline distribution is supposed to be
>> used as the daemon configuration file.
>> You can find some example configurations here:
>> http://tools.netsa.cert.org/analysis-pipeline5/pipeline-examples.html
>> Or you can just try the following as the pipeline configuration file:
>> FILTER all
>>                 FILTER all
>>                 ALERT ALWAYS
>>                 ALERT EVERYTHING
>>                 CHECK EVERYTHING PASSES
>>                 END CHECK
>> Dan
>> *From:* netsa-tools-discuss-bounces+druef=cert.org at cert.org [mailto:
>> netsa-tools-discuss-bounces+druef=cert.org at cert.org] *On Behalf Of *Lutfi
>> Oduncuoglu
>> *Sent:* Thursday, August 18, 2016 10:07 AM
>> *To:* netsa-tools-discuss at cert.org
>> *Subject:* [netsa-tools-discuss] Pipeline Does Not Work
>> Hello,
>> I am a newbie on netsa tools. I just get up and running yaf and silk. Now
>> I  am trying to keep going with analysis pipeline.
>> I installed the pipeline as told in official document. But I am having
>> too much parse error from the  pipeline.conf file.
>> Even I set the enabled=YES gives the syntax error.
>> What may be the problem?
>> Regards,
>> Lutfi
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