[netsa-tools-discuss] Pipeline Does Not Work

John Green johng at csirt.ja.net
Wed Aug 31 05:56:38 EDT 2016

On Fri, 2016-08-26 at 10:22 +0300, Lutfi Oduncuoglu wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to install snarf on Debian 8 server and I am having the log
> lines below
> checking for GLIB - version >= 2.22.0... yes (version 2.42.1)
> checking for LIBPROTOBUF_C... yes
> checking presence of libprotobuf-c dependencies... yes
> checking usability of libprotobuf-c library and headers... no
> configure: error: A usable libprotobuf-c was not found.

Hi Lutfi,
This sounds similar to a thread from last November.


The current release of snarf requires an 0.x release of libprotobuf-c whilst
jessie ships with 1.x.

You could try building a 0.x version for jessie, although I ran into all sorts
of dependency issues when attempting similar with RHEL.  I ended up writing a
rough and ready snarf replacement which works well enough for me (https://github


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