[netsa-tools-discuss] yafzcbalance

Dino Rezes dire at fa.uni-tuebingen.de
Wed Feb 22 18:24:25 EST 2017


we are testing a setup with ZC-Drivers and are interested in using yaf.
When I start yaf with pf_ring everything works fine and I have a quite 
low cpu load (under 7%).

But using yafzcbalance and 4 yaf instances one CPU-core is 100% busy.
Is there something wrong in the start of yafzcbalance?
Shouldn't the yaf instances do the work and yafzcbalance should 
distribute the flows to the yaf workers?

I start yafzcbalance with:
yafzcbalance --in 
zc:enp1s0f0 at 0,zc:enp1s0f0 at 1,zc:enp1s0f0 at 2,zc:enp1s0f0 at 3 -c 100 -n 4 -d

and yaf with:
yaf -d --live zc --in 100:${i} --ipfix tcp --out localhost --ipfix-port 
18000 --log /var/log/yaf/log/yaf-${i}.log --verbose --silk --pidfile 

Also I realized that there is a difference in packets received and 
packets forwarded by yafzcbalance and this gap is getting bigger over time.
Then I started 4 instances of yafzcbalance (one for each NIC-queue) with 
one yaf instance each.
This seams to work and doesn't lose packets, but I have 4 completely 
busy cpu-cores.

Best regards,

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