[netsa-tools-discuss] yafzcbalance

Dino Rezes dire at fa.uni-tuebingen.de
Sat Feb 25 19:26:37 EST 2017

Hi Chris,

I'm using an Intel 82599ES 10G Card with ixgbe_zc Driver on a Ubuntu 
Xenial (4.4.0-63-generic).
The PF_RING Version is 6.5.0.

For the stats I used the signal SIGUSR1 or --stats 10.
Here an example of the stat output:

[2017-02-25 02:10:23] =========================
Absolute Stats: Recv 1'298'559 pkts (3'568 drops) - Forwarded 877'900 
pkts (166'743 drops)
[2017-02-25 02:10:23] =========================
=> 420659

[2017-02-25 02:10:53] =========================
Absolute Stats: Recv 3'789'236 pkts (3'568 drops) - Forwarded 3'085'470 
pkts (166'743 drops)
[2017-02-25 02:10:53] =========================
=> 703766

[2017-02-25 02:11:33] =========================
Absolute Stats: Recv 6'602'472 pkts (3'568 drops) - Forwarded 5'467'957 
pkts (166'743 drops)
[2017-02-25 02:11:33] =========================
=> 1134515

And here is the output of ps:
root     19901  108  0.0 639680  6420 ?        Ssl  03:09   1:46 
yafzcbalance --in zc:enp1s0f0 at 0,zc:enp1s0f0 at 1,zc:enp1s0f0 at 2,zc:enp1
root     19924  0.0  0.0 253252  5160 ?        Ssl  03:09   0:00 
/usr/local/sbin/rwflowpack --sensor-configuration=/data/sensor.conf
root     19939  2.6  0.1 578952 22964 ?        Ss   03:10   0:02 
/usr/local/bin/yaf -d --live zc --in 100:0 --ipfix tcp --out localh
root     19941  2.8  0.0 569268 13344 ?        Ss   03:10   0:02 
/usr/local/bin/yaf -d --live zc --in 100:1 --ipfix tcp --out localh
root     19943  2.8  0.0 569236 13320 ?        Ss   03:10   0:02 
/usr/local/bin/yaf -d --live zc --in 100:2 --ipfix tcp --out localh
root     19945  2.6  0.0 569268 13168 ?        Ss   03:10   0:02 
/usr/local/bin/yaf -d --live zc --in 100:3 --ipfix tcp --out localh

Thank you for your help!

Am 24.02.2017 um 21:54 schrieb Chris Inacio:
> Hi Dino,
> What hardware are you using with the PF_RING?
> Have you looked at the stats output of the yafzcbalance tool?  (I’m 
> not sure how the has is performing in your case to know why the one 
> CPU is so loaded.)
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Chris Inacio
> inacio at cert.org <mailto:inacio at cert.org>
> From: Dino Rezes <dire at fa.uni-tuebingen.de> 
> <mailto:dire at fa.uni-tuebingen.de>
> Date: February 22, 2017 at 6:24:25 PM
> To: netsa-tools-discuss at cert.org <netsa-tools-discuss at cert.org> 
> <mailto:netsa-tools-discuss at cert.org>
> Subject: [netsa-tools-discuss] yafzcbalance
>> Hello,
>> we are testing a setup with ZC-Drivers and are interested in using yaf.
>> When I start yaf with pf_ring everything works fine and I have a quite
>> low cpu load (under 7%).
>> But using yafzcbalance and 4 yaf instances one CPU-core is 100% busy.
>> Is there something wrong in the start of yafzcbalance?
>> Shouldn't the yaf instances do the work and yafzcbalance should
>> distribute the flows to the yaf workers?
>> I start yafzcbalance with:
>> yafzcbalance --in
>> zc:enp1s0f0 at 0,zc:enp1s0f0 at 1,zc:enp1s0f0 at 2,zc:enp1s0f0 at 3 -c 100 -n 4 -d
>> and yaf with:
>> yaf -d --live zc --in 100:${i} --ipfix tcp --out localhost --ipfix-port
>> 18000 --log /var/log/yaf/log/yaf-${i}.log --verbose --silk --pidfile
>> /var/log/yaf/run/yaf-${i}.pid
>> Also I realized that there is a difference in packets received and
>> packets forwarded by yafzcbalance and this gap is getting bigger over 
>> time.
>> Then I started 4 instances of yafzcbalance (one for each NIC-queue) with
>> one yaf instance each.
>> This seams to work and doesn't lose packets, but I have 4 completely
>> busy cpu-cores.
>> Best regards,
>> Dino

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