[netsa-tools-discuss] Guide(s) to setting up Analysis Pipeline?

Mike Eriksson mike at swedishmike.org
Tue Jan 10 03:56:54 EST 2017

Hi all,

I've found some really good guides on how to set up SiLK and got that
running in what looks a good way.

I'm now trying to get some kind of PoC together where the idea is to run
Analysis Pipeline on the SiLK host. Which is where I'm failing quite badly.

Getting the config files together and finding out what to reference where
is currently beyond me - I am at the point where I need a little push in
the right direction.

After finding guides like the ones below [1] I was wondering if there's
something similar out there for the next step? My Google-Fu have failed me
so far.

Thanks in advance, Mike

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