[netsa-tools-discuss] Where are the entropy fields in the rw files?

Richard Graham rickhg12hs at gmail.com
Fri Jan 7 21:02:15 EST 2022


After recompiling yaf so that it has the entropy capability, I don't
know how to find it in the resulting rw files.

I produced the rw file with:

rwp2yaf2silk --in=./CTU-13-Dataset-pcaps.txt
--yaf-args="--caplist --max-payload 1000 --udp-payload
--force-read-all --mac --flow-stats --metadata-export --applabel
--ndpi --plugin-name=/usr/local/lib/yaf/dpacketplugin.la,/usr/local/lib/yaf/dhcp_fp_plugin.la
--entropy --log SiLK_Data/CTU-13-Dataset/yaf.log --verbose --p0fprint"

The command completes without error, but I'm not sure how to specify
the entropy field for rwstats, etc.  Looking at the records with
python, I don't see the entropy field.

Is the entropy field in the rw file?  How do I access it?

Thanks and regards,

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