[netsa-tools-discuss] super_mediator.conf incantation for mysql flowstats and yaf_stats tables

Richard Graham rickhg12hs at gmail.com
Thu Jan 13 04:09:06 EST 2022


I've tried various super_mediator.conf incantations attempting to
populate the mysql tables flowstats and yaf_stats created by
super_table_creator, but I can't seem to get it right.

The closest I've come is to populate the yaf_stats table but the ts
field is always "0000-00-00 00:00:00".  Nothing is close yet for the
flowstats table.  I see lots of stats when looking at ipfixDump
output, so I'm confident they exist.

In addition, with my attempts to populate the yaf_stats table,
super_mediator complains if I don't include MYSQL_TABLE in
super_mediator.conf, unlike when populating the flow table.  Is this

Is there a super_mediator.conf template to populate the mysql
flowstats and yaf_stats tables?

Thank you and regards,

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