[aadl-modeling]: Undetected Error Probability

Peter Feiler phf at sei.cmu.edu
Mon Jul 9 09:46:55 EDT 2018

EMV2 has branching transitions. This allows you to model an error event triggering a transition. This transition then takes one of several branches according to a fixed probability, e.g., your 90%.
One branch goes to a state that gets propagated – the other to a state that does not get propagated.

This capability is handy for modeling error events occurring with a given probability that result in persistent or transient error states with a specified fixed distribution.


From: aadl-modeling-bounces+phf=sei.cmu.edu at lists.sei.cmu.edu [mailto:aadl-modeling-bounces+phf=sei.cmu.edu at lists.sei.cmu.edu] On Behalf Of David K
Sent: Friday, July 6, 2018 5:14 AM
To: AADL Modeling <aadl-modeling at lists.sei.cmu.edu>
Subject: [aadl-modeling]: Undetected Error Probability

Good morning,

I have a short question about detected and undetected errors in a FTA:
The occurrencedistribution attribute of the EMV2-Annex displays the detected errors in a FTA if I understand it correctly. Now I additionally want to model the probability of undetected erors, e.g. an error has a probability of 1e-6 but is forwarded only in 90% of the cases. Is there any possibility for this. I searched in several documents for it but just found the possibility that an error isn't forwarded at all.

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