[netsa-tools-discuss] installaing analysis-pipline libsnarf won't find libprotobuf-c

Tony Cebzanov tonyc at cert.org
Tue Oct 27 10:26:57 EDT 2015


On 10/27/15 10:20 AM, asad wrote:
> silkman at Silky-flows:~$ dpkg -L libprotobuf-c0-dev
> dpkg-query: package 'libprotobuf-c0-dev' is not installed

OK, try this:

     $ sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-c0 libprotobuf-c0-dev

If the output looks good (no errors about how it can't find packages, 
etc.) then then try re-running configure.

Tony Cebzanov * <tonyc at cert.org>
(M) +1 412 265-1240 * (W) +1 412 268-9149
CERT/CC * Engineering * Product Development
Software Engineering Institute * Carnegie Mellon University

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